5 Signs You Have a Water Leak in Hanover, PA

Water Leak in Hanover, PA

Part of the problem with water leaks is that sometimes you don’t even know they exist. A leak can gradually become a bigger problem without you realizing what’s going on; however, if you know what to look for, you can stop them sooner and prevent costly damage to your Hanover, PA home. Let’s look at five common signs of a water leak.

1. Noisy Plumbing

If the pipes are making a lot of noise, this can actually be a sign that there’s a leak somewhere. It may sound like the water is still going even when you turn the faucet off. In addition, rattling noises can indicate that the fittings are loose.

2. Higher Water Bills

If your monthly water bills suddenly increase significantly, this is a big sign that something is leaking. One strategy is to check the water meter and then compare it a couple of hours later without using any water. If the levels change, you have a leak.

3. Cracking Walls

Cracks in the walls typically form due to structural shifts from constant exposure to water. Over time, these cracks will widen and can compromise the integrity of your home. It’s best to contact a plumber soon before anything breaks.

4. Bad Smells

Strong odors are another possible indication that there’s a leak in your home. Standing water is a breeding ground for organic growth, which will create a noticeable odor within only a few days.

5. Blistering Paint

If the paint on your walls starts to blister or even peel off, it’s usually because there’s water underneath. This will quickly lead to damage to the drywall, so don’t wait if you notice anything unusual.

Water leaks are a troublesome issue that often has a domino effect on the overall value of your home. Get in touch with Siegman Forced Air Systems, Inc. and we’ll identify and repair any leaks fast.

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